Safeguarding Policy

The Old Goat's Grumble Safeguarding Policy covering event put on or sponsored by League of Zeal MCC

Introduction - Events

• The Old Goats Grumble Festival is a registered charity which presents an annual music and beer festival in the Hamlet of Street Lane in the Amber Valley District of Derbyshire together with other fundraising events run by League of Zeal MCC throughout the year.

• The Grumble Run is a distance event with the club riding over the UK to a venue for an overnight stay. Family, partners, and children may attend following in vehicles.

• Bike Nights and Events at The Eagle Tavern. League of Zeal will run an event within the public house or the car park area. League of Zeal are respectful to the public house’s guidelines in relation to children and vulnerable adults and they remain the responsibility of parents/ carers.

• Easter Egg Run delivering chocolate eggs and gifts to the main hospitals in the area. Children are on the ward supervised by safeguard trained professionals or parents.

These events may include some elements which are intended to attract children as audience, or as participants in group activities. Examples of organised activities focussed on children include an art project, face-painting, puppet shows, circus skills workshops. Children are also welcomed to join events primarily targeted at adults where this is safe and appropriate.

Statement of Intent.

The Old Goats Grumble Festival and League Of Zeal Events aims to ensure that all participants and audience enjoy their festival/ Event experience. The League of Zeal is committed to creating a safe environment in which young and vulnerable people can feel comfortable, secure, and respected while engaged in any of the festival or Event activities.

1. This Policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and any vulnerable adults attending or participating in The Old Goats Grumble Festival and League of Zeal Events

3. All children and vulnerable adults attending the festival/ Events are the responsibility of their parent orother carer.

4. All activities will take place in public areas e.g., Grumble site and carpark, village hall, church, pub or hospitals. The Old Goats Grumble Festival and League of Zeal will not stage events which involve any unsupervised, prolonged, or close contact with children or vulnerable people away from other adults, or where it is intended that children under 12 years old are to be left unattended by their parent or other responsible adult.

Guidelines for all staff and volunteers.

1. All staff and volunteers working with children will be recruited by personal recommendation. Appropriate enquiries will be made concerning the credentials of performers and traders whose activities are focused on children or vulnerable people as audience or participants.

2.Risk assessments performed by the festival will consider as appropriate any specific risks to the welfare of children or vulnerable people.

3. All Festival staff, volunteers, performers, traders, and other participants are expected to show respect or all individuals’ rights, safety, and welfare, including those of children and other vulnerable persons.

4. Any events specifically involving children will be based in an environment where children feel secure.

5. Festival staff, volunteers, performers, and traders must avoid excessive amounts of time alone with children, away from others. They should try always to be visible to others in their contact with children.

6. Trustees and Stewards will be identified by Festival Staff/ Volunteers apparel, League of Zeal Apparel. A list of volunteers is maintained by the Festival Secretary.

7. Staff/ Volunteers can be approached for help at the control centre by entrance to the site.

8. The Old Goats Grumble Festival has appointed member as a Designated Safeguarding Officer: Name: Kurt Elliott

9. Any issues relating to this Safeguarding Policy must be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Where this is inappropriate, notification may be made to any other Trustee of the Festival. All referrals will be treated seriously and dealt with promptly, including contacting external agencies as appropriate.

10. Records will be kept of all issues raised and kept securely in line with Data Protection requirements.

Policy communication and review.

11. This policy is published on the Festival website, and the team at The Old Goats Grumble Festival will also ensure it is brought to the notice of all performers, traders and volunteers. A copy will be available to Festival participants on request.

12. This policy will be reviewed annually by the Festival Committee, or more frequently where the need arises

18. Missing Child at festival. Parents will be offered wrist bands in which to write their contact details on and place on Child’s wrist. They will also be given information before hand via The Old Goats Grumble or League Of Zeal Facebook page regarding safety. In the event of a missing child all gates will be closed to prevent exiting the grounds and all security alerted and the police within a reasonable timescale.


Referring to Children’s Services. If you have concerns that a child is being harmed or living in circumstances that might be harmful in the future, these concerns will always be taken seriously.

You may be worried about what might happen to you or your family if you report your concerns. When someone makes a call to talk about their concerns, they will always be asked for their name and contact details - so they can be contacted again if needed. However, you can ask for your details to remain confidential, or provide information anonymously. Unless you are contacting in a professional capacity as event staff.

Derbyshire Police

If you believe that a child or an adult is at immediate risk of harm and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999, straight away.

Alternatively if you want advice from the Police and the child or adult is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101.

Children's Social Care in Derby and Derbyshire

If you are a practitioner and wish to talk to a Social Worker about ways to engage children and families in early help and/or whether thresholds for Social Care or Early Help have been met, please ring the area where the child lives:

• In Derbyshire - Starting Point Consultation and Advice Service for Professionals 01629 535353. The service operates Monday to Friday from 10am – 4pm.

• In Derby City - Children's Services Professional Consultation Line 07812 300329. The service operates Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm.

If you are concerned about a child's welfare or worried, they are being abused, you should make a referral to Children's Social Care in the area where the child lives.

• In Derbyshire via Starting Point Telephone contact to StartingPoint 01629 533190 or via an online referral.

• In Derby City:

o Urgent referrals (by Initial Response Team) during normal working daysbetween 9 am and 5 pm on 01332 641172.

o At all other times concerns can be discussed with Careline who can be contacted on 01332 956606 ,only urgent referrals made on 01332 956606 will be responded to out of hours, on weekends and bank holidays.

Further information about safeguarding and threshold documents can be found on the Derby

Safeguarding Adult Board website or Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board website.